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#88 The Inheritance of the Saints — 2 of 5

Ellen G. White

The Vigor of Eternal Youth

All come forth from their graves the same in stature as when they entered the tomb. Adam, who stands among the risen throng, is of lofty height and majestic form, in stature but little below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later generations; in this one respect is shown the great degeneracy of the race. But all arise with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth.... Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden, the redeemed will “grow up” (Malachi 4:2) to the full stature of a race in its primeval glory.—The Great Controversy, 644, 645 (1911). {LDE 289.3}

If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct.—Testimonies for the Church 3:138 (1872). {LDE 289.4}

None will need or desire repose. There will be no weariness in doing the will of God and offering praise to His name. We shall ever feel the freshness of the morning, and shall ever be far from its close.... The acquirement of knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies.—The Great Controversy, 676, 677 (1911). {LDE 290.1}

Heaven is all health.—Testimonies for the Church 3:172 (1872). {LDE 290.2}

Happiness Guaranteed

Jesus lifted the veil from the future life. “In the resurrection,” He said, “they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven” [Matthew 22:30].—The Desire of Ages, 605 (1898). {LDE 290.3}

There are men today who express their belief that there will be marriages and births in the new earth, but those who believe the Scriptures cannot accept such doctrines. The doctrine that children will be born in the new earth is not a part of the “sure word of prophecy”.... {LDE 290.4}

It is presumption to indulge in suppositions and theories regarding matters that God has not made known to us in His Word. We need not enter into speculation regarding our future state.—Selected Messages 1:172, 173 (1904). {LDE 290.5}

Workers for God should not spend time speculating as to what conditions will prevail in the new earth. It is presumption to indulge in suppositions and theories regarding matters that the Lord has not revealed. He has made every provision for our happiness in the future life, and we are not to speculate regarding His plans for us. Neither are we to measure the conditions of the future life by the conditions of this life.—Gospel Workers, 314 (1904). {LDE 290.6}

Identity of the Redeemed Preserved

The resurrection of Jesus was a type of the final resurrection of all who sleep in Him. The countenance of the risen Saviour, His manner, His speech, were all familiar to His disciples. As Jesus arose from the dead, so those who sleep in Him are to rise again. We shall know our friends, even as the disciples knew Jesus. They may have been deformed, diseased, or disfigured in this mortal life, and they rise in perfect health and symmetry, yet in the glorified body their identity will be perfectly preserved.—The Desire of Ages, 804 (1898). {LDE 291.1}

The same form will come forth, but it will be free from disease and every defect. It lives again, bearing the same individuality of features, so that friend will recognize friend.—The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 6:1093 (1900). {LDE 291.2}

There we shall know even as also we are known. There the loves and sympathies that God has planted in the soul will find truest and sweetest exercise.—Education, 306 (1903). {LDE 291.3}

A Ruddy Complexion and a Robe of Light

As Adam came forth from the hand of his Creator, he was of noble height, and of beautiful symmetry. He was more than twice as tall as men now living upon earth, and was well proportioned. His features were perfect and beautiful. His complexion was neither white, nor sallow, but ruddy, glowing with the rich tint of health. Eve was not quite as tall as Adam. Her head reached a little above his shoulders. She, too, was noble—perfect in symmetry, and very beautiful.—Spiritual Gifts 3:34 (1864). {LDE 291.4}

The sinless pair wore no artificial garments; they were clothed with a covering of light and glory, such as the angels wear. So long as they lived in obedience to God, this robe of light continued to enshroud them.—Patriarchs and Prophets, 45 (1890). {LDE 292.1}

The Joy of Seeing Our Family in Heaven

We see a retinue of angels on either side of the gate, and as we pass in Jesus speaks, “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Here He tells you to be a partaker of His joy, and what is that? It is the joy of seeing of the travail of your soul, fathers. It is the joy of seeing that your efforts, mothers, are rewarded. Here are your children; the crown of life is upon their heads.—Child Guidance, 567, 568 (1895). {LDE 292.2}

God’s greatest gift is Christ, whose life is ours, given for us. He died for us, and was raised for us, that we might come forth from the tomb to a glorious companionship with heavenly angels, to meet our loved ones and to recognize their faces, for the Christlikeness does not destroy their image, but transforms it into His glorious image. Every saint connected in family relationship here will know each other there.—Selected Messages 3:316 (1898). {LDE 292.3}


Arthur | (Paulo Rocha) Saúde

Cláudio | (Ruth) Saúde

Levi | Saúde

Luiz e Alejandro | Saúde

Marcos | Saúde

Pedro | (pastor) Saúde

Pr. Ottoni | (pai da Marjorie) Saúde

Thalles | (Juan e Thais) Saúde

Mateus | Saúde

Sandra | (Joezel) Saúde

Isadora | Saúde

Inês | Saúde

Laurete | Saúde

Enock e Túlio | (Silas) Saúde

Nair | (Oliveira) Saúde

Tia Bia | Saúde

Lúcia e Sônia | (Keyse) Saúde

Saul | (família Cruz) Saúde

Jorge | (Ever) Saúde

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  9:30 am | Escola Sabatina

10:45 am | Culto de Adoração

  4:00 pm | Culto Jovem (4º sábado)

QUARTA-FEIRA (3ª quarta-feira do mês)

  7:30 pm | Encontro de homens

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